Origami S Dripper

The Origami, named for its likeness to folded paper, is a ceramic pour over brewing device. It is made of Mino porcelain which represents over 400 years of ceramics history in Japan. In 2019, Jia Ning Du used it to win the World Brewers Championship in Boston and since then it has gained in popularity for good reason.

The zig-zag pattern of the brewer functionally eliminates any possible suction of the filter to the brewer, which allows the water to flow more easily through the grounds without stalling. Also, the dripper itself doesn’t absorb as much heat from the brew water due to the light-weight ceramic construction and the fact that the filter doesn’t have direct contact with much of the surface area of the ceramic. This keeps the water contained in the filter and helps to keep a higher and more consistent brew temperature.

Origami S Brew Guide

For medium & light roasts I like to brew with near-boiling water, like JUST off the boil. I’ve noticed a more pronounced sweetness and clean finish when combined with the “faster” brew time compared to many pourover brewers. We’ve found that a total brew time of 2:30-2:45 typically tastes very sweet and balanced overall.

Recipe #1:

For more pronounced acidity and a crisp, clean finish, split the water into four equal pours of 75g. Each

pour should be ~30 seconds apart and take 10 seconds to pour.

  • 16g coffee - “drip” grind or a little finer

  • 260ml water HOT like just off the boil

  • Pour 65g over the grounds, spiraling from the center to the outer edge and back

  • At :30 pour to 130g

  • At 1:00 pour to 195g

  • At 1:30 pour to 260g

  • ~2:30 total brew time

Recipe #2:

To highlight more body and sweetness, pour a 50g bloom, followed by 3 - 70g pours. Each pour should be ~30 seconds apart and take 10 seconds to pour.

  • 16g coffee - “drip” grind or a little finer

  • 260ml water HOT like just off the boil

  • Pour 50g over the grounds, spiraling from the center to the outer edge and back

  • At :30 pour to 120g

  • At 1:00 pour to 190g

  • At 1:30 pour to 260g

  • ~2:30 total brew time